Friday, January 27, 2006

i just got a new human!

i just got a new human!- i didn't know what was going on- he just came over my house, like he always does, he usually hangs out with the noisy human in the basement or the garage, he did that like he always does, but this time, my old humans, had the portable cat tomb already laying around in the living room, and they had the Little Sticky People of the house all say goodbye, and before i knew it, i was in the tomb, and in the back of a Big Noisy Box, like the humans go around in, and i was on my way. I sang for the new human almost all the way home, but he didn't seem to like that- kept telling me to "be quiet"- haha- i sang for him all night- even a 6 AM "concert"- he didn't like that much, either, but he did let me in the warm room where he sleeps..